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IMPORTANT: Applying for an account in global server

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IMPORTANT: Applying for an account in global server

Мнениеот Lucho » Нед Ное 11, 2012 10:19 pm

In order to download lokos, wagons etc. you must have an account in our global server (located in http://global-serverbg.net/)

If you don't have an account here is the way how you can get :i_smile:. Follow the steps:

1Think about your username and password. Use english symbols you want.


2 Then send the info by PM to It_s_Real (site admin)

Send PM to It_s_real: ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=2

Here you are an example:

Hi! I want an account in global server. My info is:

username: ivan123
password: 555name

You will receive answer in ~48 hours. If you have any problems ask here.
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