Описанието е към мода. Това, което се иска от теб е:
How to install
1. Unzip the file "bridge cpg1414-phpbb3 v0.9.0.zip"
2. Open phpmyadmin and select the phpBB3 database. Execute the SQL-statements below.
IMPORTANT: table prefix is assumed to be "phpbb". Change here, if you have another prefix!
- e.g. your prefix is phpbb3 => change `phpbb_acl_options` to `phpbb3_acl_options`
INSERT INTO `phpbb_acl_options` ( `auth_option_id` , `auth_option` , `is_global` , `is_local` , `founder_only` )
'', 'a_cpgadmin', '1', '0', '0'
INSERT INTO `phpbb_acl_options` ( `auth_option_id` , `auth_option` , `is_global` , `is_local` , `founder_only` )
'', 'm_cpgadmin', '1', '0', '0'
3. Replace the file in your phpBB3-folder: /phpBB3/language/en/acp/permissions_phpbb.php by the same file in the same folder coming with the attachment.
IMPORTANT: If you have made previous changes to that file, don't do the replacement. Open the file coming with the attachment and search for "Stephen". Implement the changes manually.
4. Delete cache file in your phpBB3-folder: /phpBB3/cache/data_acl_options.php
5. Start phpBB3 and go to administration control panel. Make settings as follows:
* Select tab bar "PERMISSIONS"
* Under "GLOBAL PERMISSIONS" select "Groups' Permissions"
* At "Look up usergroup" choose "Administrators"
* Click on "Submit"
* At "Select Type" choose "Admin Permissions"
* Click on "Go"
* Click on "Advanced Permissions"
* Select tab bar "Misc"
* Set "Can manage coppermine gallery" to "Yes"
* Click on "Apply permissions"
-> Now the group "Administrators" has the right to administrate (manage) coppermine gallery.
-> Please note: This is only one way of permission setting and there are other ways. The bridge supports all of them.
-> 2nd note: There is a moderator option for coppermine administration, too.
6. Replace the file in your coppermine-folder: /coppermine/bridgemgr.php by the same file in the same folder coming with the attachment.
IMPORTANT: If you have made previous changes to that file, don't do the replacement. Open the file coming with the attachment and search for "Stephen". All changes are clearly marked. Please implement the changes in your file manually.
7. Replace the file in your coppermine-folder: /coppermine/bridge/phpbb3.inc.php by the same file in the same folder coming with the attachment.
Please note: This file is new, so don't worry for overwriting previous changes.
8. Replace the file in your coppermine-folder: /coppermine/lang/english.php
IMPORTANT: If you have made previous changes to that file, don't do the replacement. Open the file coming with the attachment and search for "Stephen". All changes are clearly marked. Please implement the changes in your file manually.
9. Start coppermine, login with a user who has admin rights.
10. Start bridge manager:
Enter the follwing url in your browser
http://www.yourdomain.com/coppermine/bridgemgr.php (-> Hope it's clear that this must be your domain and your coppermine-directory
* Click on "Start bridging wizard"
* Choose " phpBB 3.0.0", click on "next>>"
* Enter "forum url" and "relative path ...", click on "next>>"
* Set "Use post-based groups?" to "no" (you can change that setting later, if you want).
* Set "Bot login?" to "yes" (you can change that setting later, if you want), click on "next>>".
* Click on "Finish".
And that's it
If you have questions please don't hesitate to contact me here in the forum or at
stephen@team-andro.comнаправи си бекъп преди да опиташ това